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John 17:5-26

Everyone is the Light waiting to be recognized,
When I see the real you I unlock the door,
I lift the veil from our eyes
Let the Spirit of Truth reveal, Let love be the way
Let us trust in our heart to satisfy,
Let the still small voice within be our stay m s

Matthew 9:5-8

Impersonal Omnipresence is the living Word "All that I have is thine"

M. S. WORD 2008

Dear God, Source of Our Light though it appears that thy word is ever being tested

Your children know full well the blessed Truth is still our stay, deceiver non-nested

Loss of dearly beloved, which disputes by the apparent dream of your Love hidden

Shall not gain strength in these challenging moments which hold sway to thought forbidden

Our resolve is not to cave, but be still, with focus till the Peace is delivered and revealed

That which lets us know what is really taking place, unseen to the veiled mind-stream field

We know that as we rise for the higher view which allows for the Christly sight bearing the truth

As done by the faithful who loved Jesus our guide in the way, beheld him laying the ground of proof

That all is ever well, very well done and good eternally held in the Joy of our being, so as to share

In the Secret place of the Most High, none is gone, just on journeys which bless our hope; still there.

So as we stand firm in the faith and bear witness to the high calling of our Truth led and filled Soul

Never wavering, even when seeming to falter, we dwell in the light of holiness, our Being is seeing Whole
M. S. ©2008