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Oh children oh dear children
It might be thought you're too young to understand
The ageless message of eternal life
The "O king live forever" command
The Love you felt and still know
When daddy or mommy would say goodbye
And you expected to see them again later that day or week or month
And even then sometime you would cry
Know dear children nothing has changed
Though the appearance reports there is someone to be missed
The touch... the embrace... the caress... that brings
The warmth the joy that you have just been kissed
That now seems just a memory which gladdens
your sweet sweet little wanting heart
The Truth is dear children oh dear children
Please know that you from your loved ones could never be apart
Cause the union is forever, the invisible bond was and is always there
You know the real part you had even when out of view
When you knew and felt the care

Truth is that's the real part that never ever goes away
I never ever say goodbye
Just be still... call my name...
I am here with you to stay

c2009 m s